Leadership Training Blog

August 23rd, 2022

What Inspires the World’s Most Successful L.E.T. Trainer?

By: Sheryl Wilde

Kent Stickler has been an L.E.T. Trainer for many decades. Over 10,000 leaders have graduated from his L.E.T. classes, making […]

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i-message communication leadership

July 14th, 2022

How to Say What You Feel, with Respect (And why leaving out your solution is essential)

By: Linda Adams

When you have a problem with a team member, boss or anyone that you have a relationship with (at work […]

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confrontation i-message three parts

June 8th, 2022

These I-Messages Can Be a Little Shifty

By: Linda Adams

When you express your needs and opinions in I-Messages* and do get resistance, you will almost always defeat your purpose […]

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lean leadership

May 11th, 2022

How to Maximize Lean with Leader Effectiveness Training

By: Linda Adams

These two programs, Lean Management and Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.), deal with two quite different aspects of business. The goal […]

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leadership i-message communication praise

April 18th, 2022

How Do These I-Messages Help Relationships?

By: Michelle Adams

The Appreciative I-Message conveys positive feelings of appreciation, gratitude, relief or happiness to others. Unlike praise which uses labels and […]

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March 24th, 2022

The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Conflicts

By: Dr. Thomas Gordon

Before you try the No-Lose Method, all persons involved in the conflict should understand the differences between Methods I and […]

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leadership, expectations, coaching

February 16th, 2022

How Do You Communicate Expectations at Work?

By: Dr. Thomas Gordon

“High-productivity groups (high-achievement work groups) have leaders who are successful in fostering and maintaining in their group member’s enthusiasm and […]

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active listening, leadership, listen, empathy

January 18th, 2022

Active Listening: Is it hard sometimes? Yes. Worth it? YES.

By: Linda Adams

Active Listening is not an easy skill to learn. Most people in their relationships are accustomed to telling, questioning, judging, […]

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leadership relationships communication empathy

December 20th, 2021

A Helpful Guide to Better Relationships

By: Michelle Adams

Credo = “A statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone’s actions.” Dr. Gordon wrote his Credo in 1964.  […]

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i-message, leadership, communication, no, respect

November 10th, 2021

How to Say No with Respect

By: Linda Adams

It’s that time of year when people might find themselves feeling stressed with year-end projects looming, family & holiday “stuff” […]

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