Using Better Communication Skills in Times of Crisis

Parent using laptop and child playing next to himLeader Effectiveness Training, Parent Effectiveness Training, and Teacher Effectiveness Training are specific applications of a universal approach to nonviolent, respectful, cooperative, non-coercive communication and problem-solving.

The application of the skills differs in schools, workplaces, and family settings, and the skills themselves have been shown again and again to improve relationships and outcomes.

Now we find ourselves in a time of global, unprecedented challenges that have uprooted nearly everything about our daily lives, reconfigured our work and home routines, moved school to the living room, placed nearly unimaginable emotional demands on families, and disrupted “normal.”

The (largely artificial) walls that once divided work, school, and life environments have come down. And as we enter uncharted territory, attempting to integrate them, we face a massive adjustment.

To help, we have gathered resources to help serve as refreshers and guides.

More interpersonal conflicts may arise as we negotiate this sudden–and hopefully short-lived circumstances.

We hope these resources can help to reduce conflict, constructively, and “clean up” inevitable miscommunications afterward when we all make mistakes. (We all make mistakes.)

The Skills
The Gordon Model is based on a set of core skills that help to guide decision-making, problem-solving, emotion management, and conflicts without unnecessary power struggles or resorting to use of authority (which leads to resentment and unproductive backlash).

The Gordon Model for Parents (an Infographic)

Confrontation 101 (a blog with Infographic)

Active Listening (from our mobile site)

The Behavior Window: Who Owns the Problem? (blog)

A Gordon Model Glossary (and refresher, with links to more resources)

People of all ages are most likely having and expressing more than usual, intense feelings of fear, anxiety, frustration–all of which are natural and valid. They will need to work through them. Many people will need to express these feelings verbally; some will do a more constructive job (at first) of expressing them than others.

Active Listening skills will be critical in the coming days and weeks; resist the temptation to shut down people expressing difficult emotions using the 12 Roadblocks (link to our mobile site).

Helping Children Deal with Difficult Emotions (blog for teachers)

The Feelings Iceberg (video blog)

The Skills and Virtual Work Communications
Working at a distance is not the same as working face-to-face; written communications may be perceived as more terse and impatient than they were intended, and misunderstandings can spiral quickly. When in doubt, overcommunicate.

The Gordon Model for Leaders (an Infographic)

Don’t Leave Empathy Behind Online (Virtual Communication) (blog)

Active E-Listening: Is That Even A Thing? (blog)

If you (or someone you care about) need support, help, advice, or a plan during this time of extraordinary transition, please do not hesitate to reach out. We can put you in touch with our master trainers who are experts in the skills and how they can be applied–even in extraordinary times.

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