Parent Training Blog

family parenting communication

August 24th, 2022

You Should Praise Your Kids, Right?

By: Dr. Thomas Gordon

Parents often express their positive feelings about their children by praising them. Praise is often motivated by the parent’s intent […]

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needs behavior people maslow

July 20th, 2022

What Are Your True Needs As a Parent?

By: Dr. Thomas Gordon

A theory about the nature of human needs was developed by the famous psychologist, Abraham Maslow. He researched very productive […]

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parenting, family, kids

June 7th, 2022

The Reason for a Child’s Behavior Is Always a Positive!

By: Meike Lemmens

Your child may say: “More!” after they have already received five birthday gifts. They may want to continue playing video […]

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parenting listening

May 2nd, 2022

Essential Tips for Parents On How to Listen Effectively

By: Dr. Thomas Gordon

Attitudes Required to Use Active Listening Active Listening is not a simple technique that parents pull out of their “tool […]

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March 24th, 2022

Why Choose Parent Effectiveness Training?

By: Meike Lemmens

At the very root of the Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) philosophy is a belief that children aren’t bad or mischievous; […]

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olympics, parenting

February 16th, 2022

Parents of Olympians Have Two Traits in Common–Which you can learn in P.E.T.

By: Meike Lemmens

The Winter Olympics are in full swing. One of the really interesting parts of watching them is learning the back […]

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parenting, self-esteem, parents, kids

January 18th, 2022

How Self-Esteem in Children is Formed

By: Meike Lemmens

(Ms. Lemmens is a P.E.T. Master Trainer for Gordon Training Int’l.) Unlike what google searches tell you about the self-esteem […]

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parenting, family, children

November 10th, 2021

Parents Are Persons, Not Gods

By: Dr. Thomas Gordon

When people become parents, something strange and unfortunate happens. They begin to assume a role or act a part and […]

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parenting, family, kids

October 13th, 2021

How Is Your Relationship Bank Balance?

By: Linda Adams

When your child is born, you give them your time, energy, attention, caring and love. You treat your baby with […]

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active listening brain research

September 23rd, 2021

Why Active Listening is Good for Your Brain

By: Linda Adams

Anyone who has experienced the effects of Active Listening, either as the person being listened to or the listener or […]

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