Take the P.E.T. Quiz on Problem Ownership and See How You Do!

Take the P.E.T. Quiz on Problem Ownership and See How You Do!

The following quiz includes 12 statements that fit in one of the areas of the Behavior Window. Take the quiz and see how well you do in identifying Problem Ownership.

Read the following situations–and have pen/paper/tablet handy for jotting down where each situation goes in the Behavior Window.

If you feel the behavior demonstrates that the child has a problem, place the number of the situation in the “Child Owns Problem” area of the window.

If you feel the behavior causes the parent to have a problem, place the number in the “Parent Owns Problem” area of the window.

If neither child nor parent seems to have a problem, place the number in the “No Problem” area of the window.

If you feel that there is a conflict and both seem to have a problem, place the number in the “Both Own Problem” area. (Key follows exercise–fight the temptation to peek at them now!).

1. Your child tells you she is worried about failing an important test at school.
2. Your daughter expresses her disapproval of her brother’s friends.
3. Your children often leave a mess in the kitchen and leave you the responsibility for cleaning.
4. Your child is learning to play the guitar and asks you to listen to the chords he’s learned.
5. Your child fails to come home on time to leave for a dental appointment which you must pay for anyway.
6. Your baby begins to cry while getting a tetanus shot.
7. Your daughter often gets up too late to catch the school bus and then you end up driving her to school.
8. You and your spouse have a joint savings account; you want to renovate your apartment/house. Your spouse wants to buy a new car.
9. Your son wants you to drive him to a friend’s house; you want to stay home and relax after a long week.
10. Your children playfully tease you about “going to school” to learn how to be a better parent.
11. Your teenager wants to go to the beach for the family vacation; you prefer the mountains.
12. Your family often debates current issues, such as whether the current president is a good one.

If you have any questions about P.E.T., Problem Ownership and so forth, please contact us at: family@gordontraining.com

Answer key:

Child Owns Problems:
1, 2, 6
No Problem
4, 10, 12
Parent Owns Problem
3, 5, 7
Both Own Problem
8, 9, 11

These are not the only correct answers; special circumstances in your family may make different answers correct for you


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