What Do P.E.T. Kids Have to Say About Being Raised with the Gordon Model? (Part l)*

(This Blog post kicks of a series of Blogs written by kids of P.E.T.—this first one is actually a video interview of three P.E.T. kids sharing their experiences.)

Here at Gordon Training, we often talk about research, the content and the skills when we Blog about P.E.T. I got to thinking that it would be interesting to hear from the P.E.T. kids themselves about being raised in this most unique way.

We will be posting a series of stories shared by a number of kids/young adults/adults whose parents raised them with the Gordon Model.

Dr. Gordon could see that this P.E.T. stuff would create a new species, if you will, of humans. That’s not meant in some sci-fi, creepy way. He simply meant that P.E.T. would create a generation of people who would grow up in a world free of punishment and full of collaboration. So imagine what the world could be like if we all learned how to truly listen with Active Listening, confronted with respect using I-Messages and solved conflicts so everyone got their needs met by using Method III. Imagine that.

Well, we are and we’re making it happen, one P.E.T. kid, one L.E.T. leader, one T.E.T. teacher, one Y.E.T. teenager, one Be Your Best individual at a time. Okay, stepping off my dreamy little soap box now. Let’s get to some P.E.T. stories!

To kick this series off, I am sharing a really great and inspiring short video of three P.E.T. kids sharing their experiences, in front of their P.E.T. mom (Catherine B.) and her P.E.T. class—I hope you enjoy it!


*This Blog is dedicated to the awesome, wonderful, silly, world-changing, Nobel Peace Prize Nominated amazing man, Dr. Thomas Gordon, March 11, 1918 – August 26, 2002. The world is a better place because of him and because of all you out there who teach and practice the Gordon Model skills! Thank you!

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