Leadership Training: Losing Control (Video Blog)

One method of leadership is to maintain control over the people, but (and I think we all kinda know this by now, right?)…that isn’t necessarily the best one. Bill Stinnett, Ph.D. (L.E.T. Master Trainer) describes a real-life example of how one manager at a business he was consulting with, hid a tape-recorder to catch his employees talking as they were working. This style of controlled management doesn’t exactly create a productive environment. The One method of leadership is to maintain control over the people, but (and I think wOne method of leadership is to maintain control over the people, but (and I think we all kinda know this by now, right?)…that isn’t necessarily the best one. Bill Stinnett, Ph.D. (L.E.T. Master Trainer) describes a real-life example of how one manager at a business he was consulting with, hid a tape-recorder to catch his employees talking as they were working. This style of controlled management doesn’t exactly create a productive environment. The leadership training implemented afterwards recognized that talking among the workers was necessary to ease the boredom of the tedious task, and actually created better productivity. In the end, good leadership is about creating a positive, productive environment – and sometimes that means it’s ok to talk.



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