The Power of P.E.T.

By Linda Adams, President of GTI

Whether you’re the parent of a young child or a teenager, it’s a challenging job–and one that requires training and skills to do well. P.E.T., Parent Effectiveness Training, is a program that offers parents the specific communication and conflict resolution skills it takes to build and maintain effective relationships with children, in any and all circumstances. P.E.T. is not just bits and pieces of useful information and it doesn’t pretend to be a quick-fix. It’s a complete model and learning it gives parents the chance to become experts themselves in dealing with the inevitable problems that come up in all parent-child relationships. And we know it works. It’s been tested and proven around the world for the past 44 years.

Announcing New and Improved P.E.T.

We’re very excited to announce that we have just completed a major revision of the P.E.T. course materials. Our goal is to re-energize the P.E.T. program because we know that these skills and methods are just as essential and relevant as they were when Dr. Gordon first began teaching P.E.T. in 1962, if not more so. In the year 2000, the book’s publisher, Random House, urged us to revise and update the original P.E.T. book as the 30th anniversary edition. Now we have brought the other materials up to date as well, including the P.E.T. Workbook and Instructor Guide. These new materials reflect the same Gordon Model that you may be familiar with already. We feel that it’s now presented in a more effective, impactful and esthetically pleasing way to help create a more fulfilling and powerful classroom experience.

First “New P.E.T.” Workshop a Great Success!

Last week, we conducted the first P.E.T Instructor Training Workshop using the new materials. This workshop was sponsored by the Native American Community Education Center in Lakeport, California whose Executive Director is John W. Johnson. Paul Cheatham III, Program Developer for the NACEC and a longtime P.E.T. advocate, implemented and coordinated the event. And Master Trainer, Steve Emmons conducted the workshop which included participants from six different bands of Native Americans as well as people from the agencies who provide services for them.

Here are some of the comments participants made:

“Wow! I was so pleased to attend a workshop where I really was taught and learned a new skill. I can’t thank you enough for this workshop–Native American focus using white people’s method that is not obtrusive or ‘power’ pushing in any way.”

“Surprisingly helpful–I have not been a teacher but feel like I am very confident and prepared (and excited). My favorite part is that this is not just about parent and kids–it is relatable to all relationships.”

“Prior to participation, I never thought that I would benefit from this training because my son is grown. I was so wrong! This information is so practical that I’m anticipating being able to use these skills daily. I am very anxious to familiarize myself with the course so that I can feel more comfortable when I am presenting the information. It is very valuable and I want to be able to pass it along accurately.”

A CALL TO ACTION: We Need You to Join the P.E.T. Revival!

Help families and schools succeed! Become a licensed P.E.T. Instructor by attending our next P.E.T. Instructor Training Workshop. For more details, please contact us at or call us at 800.628.1197.

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