7 Ways to Stay in the Good Graces of Employees

Having employees “on your side” is a wonderful thing. They look out for you, they have your back, and they will consistently go the extra mile to deliver results. But very few managers have the knack for winning, and keeping all employees in their good graces, all the time.

If you want a bit of insight on how it’s done, consider the following skills…

employees managers genuine leadership1. Be genuine. In other words, be human. Employees dislike working for managers who are in it for the ego. Genuine means showing your employees that you don’t ask them to do something you wouldn’t personally do yourself. Genuine also means that you lead with empathy and understanding.

2. Make your employees feel important. Some employees come into work day after day and get lost in going through motions with diminishing enthusiasm if they have minimal contact with their immediate boss. Employees throughout all levels need to be reminded that their contribution, insight, opinions and creativity are important to the success of the organization.

3. Address employees by their name. Dale Carnegie always believed that the most beautiful sound in the world to an employee is the sound of his or her name. Addressing people by their name enhances rapport and adds a tone of friendliness to all conversations.

4. Respect employees’ needs to take time off. Most companies have been forced to do more with less, forcing some employees to do the work of 1.5 people, or more, without a jump in pay. This naturally leads to early burnout. Employees are not machines, and shouldn’t feel guilty when requesting time to reboot.

5. Practice Active Listening. This is a skill taught in leadership training. Active Listening takes place when the listener feeds back what they hear to the sender, by way of re-stating or paraphrasing what they have heard in their own words, to confirm understanding. One manager I know of goes so far as to close the lid of his laptop, walk away from his desk and sit down next to the person he is speaking with. There is no greater expression of interest and sincerity.

6. Practice consistency. As managers, most of us have some employees that we may personally like more than others. The challenge for managers is to prevent other employees from picking up on the scent. Any sign of favoritism can quickly erode respect and credibility – especially with the one you are favoring.

7. Admit mistakes. Again, be human. The most courageous thing a leader can do is to admit his or her mistakes in front of employees. Redirecting blame or making lame excuses makes the situation much worse and teaches employees that it’s perfectly acceptable to do the same.

It’s E.Q. versus I.Q. leadership. And it further supports the fact that people join companies and leave leaders. Winning employees into your good graces has little to do with technical skills – it has everything to do with people skills.


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