The Gordon Model Now Available in More Countries

P.E.T. Instructor Training Workshop in Estonia

Our worldwide network has expanded over the past few years and now includes Representatives and Licensees in Greece, Poland, China, Mexico, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Lebanon, the Maldives, Turkey, Sweden, Chile and Venezuela.

In many countries, the new Representatives first launch the P.E.T. program. Then, once it is firmly established, they want to expand the Gordon Model in schools through T.E.T. This is the same sequence in which Dr. Gordon developed and first began offering the model over 50 years ago. He realized, as many of our Representatives have, that influencing school administrators and teachers to adopt T.E.T. is more challenging than offering P.E.T. to parents.

T.E.T.’s successful implementation also requires different strategies depending on the country. Recently, several Representatives have reported that they are working with the Ministry of Education to obtain governmental approval of T.E.T. after which it will available to teachers throughout the country.

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