Wife of Ajman Governor (one of the seven United Arab Emirates) Has Requested Presentation on Parent Effectiveness Training


wife ajman parenting parent training dubai thomas gordonSOLANA BEACH, CA – The wife of the Governor of Ajman (one of the seven United Arab Emirates) has recently requested a presentation on Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.), one of the many programs offered by Gordon Training International (GTI).

Additionally, some members of the royal family took the very first P.E.T. workshop offered in the UAE, in Dubai in 2006.

Gordon Training International (founded by three-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Dr. Thomas Gordon) in addition to offering P.E.T.,  also offers leadership training through their Leader Effectiveness Training program offered throughout the United States and in 21 different countries.

For inquiries, please contact info@gordontraining.com

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